prime time warfare

War has become prime time entertainment, live feeds with bombing of cities and people in agony. Get a close up on a house exploding or…

war tonight.

USA just demanded that UN and all it’s inspectors should leave Iraq within 24 hours. It’s going to be a long night for the innocent…

Support our workers

It’s remarkable what you can receive via mail these days … Dear Webmaster, My name is Steve Warren, and I am the president of an…

I’m sick

Yeah, and i hate every second of it. Started out last Friday. Attended to a friends "moving in party", had a couple of beers and…


Yeah, allot of people ask me what CellShout is all about. Well, to put it simple, it relays messages from my cell phone into that…

endless love

Ok, some more Bush and Blair bashing, but this one is just hilarious! A must see! Get the file! (Rightclick and “Save target as”)


baaah, why oh why did i have to drink yesterday. It all started out with just "one beer" and escalated into seven or eight. Woke…

I’m invisible!

I’m so going to get one of those! … ……