After a weekend for intense moving and hours of hand to hand combat at IKEA is finally the apartment taking shape. So far I’ve spent about 6500SEK on furniture and it’ll probably end on a lot more. I guess i have to see this as investments … 🙂

Picture 1:
This is my “sleep-corner”, here is basically just my bed.
Picture 2:
This is the “tv-corner”, got a nice little sofa, glass-table and a [small] tv – I’ll probably get a larger one as soon as i get my economy back on it’s feet. I bought myself a home theater system, but it was DOA (dead on arrival), so I’ll be getting a new one by the end of this week.
Picture 3:
“Computer-corner”, my computer and other important stuff. That chair is most temporary.
Picture 4:
“Crap-corner”, I’ll get myself a shelf and an aquarium here later on but for now it’s my crap-corner … 😉